Instructor: Catherine Morris, BA, JD (Alberta), LLM (UBC)
- Contact Information: e-mail Catherine Morris
- Location of classes: Theptawarawadee Building (room to be announced)
- Dates of classes: 25 October to 3 November 2016 (final exam 4 November).
- Course outline, syllabus and assignments online.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
24 October: holiday |
25 October: Class 9 - Negotiation 9 am to noon 9:00 am exam on assigned pre-course readings Homework assignment due 4 pm 25 Oct |
26 October: Class 10 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
27 October: Class 11 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
28 October: Class 12 - Negotiation 9 am to noon Survey assignment due at 4 pm Sunday 30 October (online submission) |
31 October: Class 13 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
1 November: Class 14 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
2 November: Class 15 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
3 November: Class 16 - Negotiation 9 am to noon |
4 November Final exam, ADR |
7 November |
8 November |
9 November |
10 November |
21 November |
The complete course syllabus is available online (pdf) and contains the the course schedule and list of readings and assignments. The course syllabus containes live links to readings.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of Chulalongkorn University. Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Please carefully read the Academic Integrity Policy of the University of Victoria, one of the partner institutions of Chulalongkorn University. The instructor applies these standards in this course. Students are expected to be familiar with the content of these standards for the test on Day 1 of the course.
There will be 50 marks assigned to this portion of the ADR course.
- (5 marks) Pre-course reading assignment and exam Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 9 am. You are expected to be familiar with the contents of the following readings by the first day of class. There will be a 30-minute, open book, short-answer quiz based on these readings on Tuesday 25 October 2016 at 9 am sharp. If you have any questions about the readings, you are very welcome to email the instructor. Please read:
- The Good Negotiator: Negotiation Theory, Processes and Skills for Lawyers (.pdf). For the opening exam, students are expected to have read Chapters 1 to 3.
- Book summary: Fisher, Roger, William Ury and Bruce Patton. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. 2nd ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1991, available at
- University of Victoria, Policy on Academic Integrity, available at
- UN Human Rights Council, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Implementing: the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework, A/HRC/RES/17/4,
- Frangos, John, and Michael Ramirez. "Anti-Corruption Law in Thailand: A Practical Guide for Investors." Bangkok: Tilleke and Gibbons, January 2016, Available at (7 pages)
- The complete course syllabus found at MorrisSyllabus2016.pdf.
- (15 marks) Class attendance and participation . Criteria for evaluation of this component of the course include:
- On-time attendance at all classes for the entire class, good class preparation including readings and completion of homework assignments, readiness for informed discussion when the classes begin, attentiveness, respectful listening to all class members, and cooperation with all others in class.
- Students may also be requested to make short, informal presentations on readings or findings of class exercises. To ensure that students feel comfortable speaking out and practicing, students are not graded on their substantive performance in class presentations, discussions, practice exercises or role-plays.
- Homework assignment due 25 October at 4 pm: News round-up on Wednesday 26 October 2016 and other days as may be assigned (see syllabus).
- Homework assignment due Sunday 30 October at 4 pm: Class survey and discussion on culture and negotation:
- Read: Salacuse, Jeswald W. “The top ten ways that culture can affect your negotiation.” Ivey Business Journal (September-October 2004),
- Complete the online survey and submit it by Sunday, 30 October at 4 pm. Please print your completed survey prior to sending, and bring it to class on Tuesday, 1 November: Survey link to be provided here:
- On Tuesday, 1 November in class, you will be asked to participate in a discussion and a possible hypothetical negotiation simulation based on the article and survey. Students who have not read the Salacuse article or completed the survey find it challenging to participate effectively in this discussion.
- (30 marks) Final Examination will be held Friday 4 November 2016 from 9 am to noon. This examination covers the whole of the ADR course.
- The negotiation portion of the exam will be approximately 90 minutes and will be open book.
- Please adhere to the University of Victoria policy on Academic Integrity. Final exam questions are now online. NOTE: see amended weighting of questions 4c and 5. (31 October 2016)
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Class NotesThe instructor will make every effort to put powerpoint notes online prior to the class. Short scenarios for case study or practice may also be placed here so that you have time to prepare before class. Please check this space each day.